About civi kune RLP

Civil society work with refugees has changed constantly in recent years. In order to do justice to this change and to place more emphasis on content such as civic engagement, participation and encounter, our project „Aktiv für Flüchtlinge RLP“ (Active for Refugees RLP), which was founded in 2015, changed its name to „civi kune RLP“ in 2022:

civi kune = civic together (Esperanto)

You can read here how we came up with the name:

We are the point of contact and advocate for the interests of refugees and volunteers in solidarity-based refugee work in Rhineland-Palatinate. To this end, we want to strengthen civil society work with refugees, which consists of an enormous variety of actors and support structures. Together with volunteers with and without refugee history and their self-organisations, we work for an inclusive society. We are always happy to receive invitations to the numerous meeting places and local initiatives in the country to meet you on site and to support you as needed. You are always welcome to write us news about your initiative to give interested people the opportunity to get to know you and to work with you.


  • give advice in individual cases and refer people to the relevant authorities
  • provide information on current issues, important changes and practical support material for volunteers in our newsletter
  • network at different levels
  • arrange for speakers on request
  • represent the interests of volunteers vis-à-vis the Ministry for Family Affairs, Women, Culture and Integration, the parliamentary parties in the state parliament and in state-wide networks
  • organise training courses, qualification offers, networking meetings, etc. on various topics, e.g. asylum law and residence issues, networking strategies, seminars critical of racism, future models in voluntary work with refugees or information events on the hardship commission, etc., gladly in cooperation with local initiatives

Our target group is first and foremost volunteers working with refugees in Rhineland-Palatinate. At the same time, we also offer further training and networking meetings especially for full-time volunteers and are happy to serve as contact persons for questions.

With regard to advice on funding and submitting applications, we offer: Information and advice on funding programmes and current calls for proposals.

This is how you get in contact with us…

Write us an email to: ehrenamt@fluechtlingsrat-rlp.de or use our contact form.

civi kune RLP – Flucht | Begegnung | Solidarität
„Begleitung und Unterstützung für Ehrenamtliche
im Flüchtlingsbereich in RLP“ 

Ein Projekt des Flüchtlingsrat RLP e.V.
Leibnizstraße 47
55118 Mainz   

Telefon:+49 (0)6131 4924736
Telefax: +49 (0) 6131 4924735

E-Mail: ehrenamt@fluechtlingsrat-rlp.de
Internet: www.civi-kune-rlp.de